
  • This Is A Brain Taken Over By Alzheimer’s

    This Is A Brain Taken Over By Alzheimer’s

    The effects of Alzheimer’s disease on the brain often go unnoticed for years, even decades. But researchers at Stanford University and the University of Oxford believe they’ve found a way to visualise how the disease slowly spreads and erodes the brain — a tool they hope can help other scientists better study the incurable, fatal…

  • Study Claims White Noise Can Damage Your Brain, But Don’t Panic

    Study Claims White Noise Can Damage Your Brain, But Don’t Panic

    A recent research review suggests that white noise, the soothing, fuzzy soundtrack so many of us rely on to sleep or block out distractions, could actually be dangerous. It argues that exposure to the random, unstructured sounds that make up white noise can alter the brain’s neural connections that help us perceive sound, leaving us…