
  • Internode Boosts Intercity Connection Capacity By 150%

    Internode’s been doing pretty well for itself recently, simplifying its plan structure, offering nice unmetered offerings and getting a lot of good feedback. To keep customers happy, they’ve gone and upgraded their backend, deploying five 10Gbps links between Adelaide, Sydney, Canberra and Melbourne.

  • iiNet Expects To Benefit From The NBN

    iiNet have historically been extremely vocal in their frustration with the current broadband infrastructure and how Telstra has used its ownership of exchanges to make competition difficult. So it’s no surprise that iiNet expects to benefit hugely from the rollout of the NBN, given that it will require the separation of Telstra’s retail and wholesale…

  • Coalition Will Kill The NBN Dead In Its Tracks If Elected

    The coalition has been campaigning pretty hard against the NBN since they didn’t win the election last year, but they’ve typically been pretty quiet about what they’d do instead. In an interview with David Ramli at ARN, Opposition Communications spokesperson Malcolm Turnbull has admitted that they will stop the NBN rollout in its tracks should…