
  • How To Troubleshoot Internet Connection Problems

    How To Troubleshoot Internet Connection Problems

    It’s a heart-wrenching moment when your web browser reports that it’s no longer connected to the internet. But there’s no reason to panic: We’ve distilled the troubleshooting process into five easy steps. Keep this list close by in case your internet suddenly breaks (or pass it on to friends and family the next time they…

  • Six Ignorant US Senators Want To Slow Down High-Speed Internet

    Six Ignorant US Senators Want To Slow Down High-Speed Internet

    Last year the FCC had the US rejoicing when it upped the minimum requirements for broadband from 4Mbps to 25Mbps. It meant that many internet service providers could no longer classify their service as broadband. So while it didn’t instantly improve speeds, it did shame ISPs and cost them in the tax breaks and grants…