
  • What The Future Of Google Glass Could Look Like

    What The Future Of Google Glass Could Look Like

    Right now, Google Glass is just a pair of weird looking specs that’s pretty much only used to take blurry photos and Instagram selfies. And that’s okay! The real promise is what comes next. Developers have been getting their hands on Google Glass and have begun to see what they can build with it. It’s…

  • Someone Finally Made A Better Paper Coffee Cup

    Someone Finally Made A Better Paper Coffee Cup

    As simple as it is, you’d think it would be nigh impossible to improve on the paper coffee cup. After all, as long as it holds coffee without leaking, what’s there to improve? Well, designers Hongseok Kim and Inhye Hwang found a way, by adding a tear-off stir stick to the paper handle.

  • Tangible Alarm Smartphone Dock: Shove To Snooze

    Tangible Alarm Smartphone Dock: Shove To Snooze

    It’s early morning. Your phone is screaming at you. Unless you open you eyes and seek out some the right little virtual button, it will never stop. But the Tangible Alarm could bring back the eyes-closes snooze-button flailing of days gone by.