
  • Sydney’s Coral Experiences ‘Widespread Recovery’ From Bleaching

    A team of marine biologists from the University of Technology Sydney and Macquarie University provided the first evidence of bleaching in Sydney Harbour’s unique temperate corals last April. Since then the scientists have recorded widespread recovery, suggesting that Sydney’s corals can survive higher than normal temperatures, so long as the environmental stress is brief.

  • A Nightmare Is Unfolding In The Great Barrier Reef

    A Nightmare Is Unfolding In The Great Barrier Reef

    If scuba diving in the Great Barrier Reef is on your bucket list, you might want to book tickets soon. This week, marine biologists dropped some horribly depressing news: the Great Barrier Reef is dying. The world’s largest reef is in the midst of a widespread coral bleaching event, and scientists aren’t sure whether it…