covid 19 vaccine

  • Vaccines Cut Odds of Long Covid by Half, Study Suggests

    Vaccines Cut Odds of Long Covid by Half, Study Suggests

    New research from the UK is some of the first to examine the potential risk of experiencing lingering symptoms after a case of covid-19 in vaccinated people, a phenomenon often known as long covid. The study suggests that vaccinated people who become infected are half as likely to experience long-lasting symptoms than the unvaccinated. Importantly,…

  • White House May Be Clashing With CDC and FDA Experts Over Covid-19 Booster Shots

    White House May Be Clashing With CDC and FDA Experts Over Covid-19 Booster Shots

    There appears to be growing tension between the Biden administration and at least some people affiliated with public health agencies over recommending covid-19 booster shots for all next month. Two senior officials with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration are leaving, reportedly in part due to the White House’s decision to promise boosters to the…