
  • Remember When 2014 Was The Hottest Year On Record? Now 2015 Is.

    Remember When 2014 Was The Hottest Year On Record? Now 2015 Is.

    Doesn’t it seem like only last week scientists confirmed that 2014 was indeed the hottest year on record? Well, you don’t have to worry about that anymore because scientists have now determined that the first half of 2015 has managed to break all those records — and 2015 will now likely be the hottest year…

  • How I Saved (One Tiny Island In) Canada From Wildfire

    How I Saved (One Tiny Island In) Canada From Wildfire

    Last week, I took a trip up to northern Saskatchewan, to the edge of the boreal forest. It’s an area very close to what locals call the bush. I’d come to camp with family and friends at Emma Lake, but when we arrived we discovered that we were deep inside one of the biggest wildfire…