
  • The Planet Is Losing Groundwater At An Alarming Rate

    The Planet Is Losing Groundwater At An Alarming Rate

    When it comes to water scarcity, the loss of groundwater is like the silent killer: It isn’t as easy to measure or monitor as, say, a shrinking reservoir. We’ve known that many aquifers are overtaxed, but a new report shows we’re draining major aquifers faster than they’re being replenished. Not just in California — this…

  • Extremely Bad Reasons Why Waterless Urinals Were Illegal

    Extremely Bad Reasons Why Waterless Urinals Were Illegal

    We take it for granted that urinals flush. With each pull of the lever, gallons of clean water come to whisk away a few ounces of pee. If you think about it, it’s actually pretty wasteful, and the current drought is convincing facilities to consider waterless urinals. But these waterless bathroom contraptions have had to…

  • Why The World Needs To Stop Drinking Bottled Water

    Why The World Needs To Stop Drinking Bottled Water

    There are few things on this planet I hate more than bottled water. Just the crinkling sound of someone wrapping their mouth around one of those squeaky garbage accordions fills me with rage. I stopped drinking it a long time ago — and you should stop drinking it, too.