
  • Are Jupiter And Venus Messing With Earth’s Climate?

    Are Jupiter And Venus Messing With Earth’s Climate?

    Our planet is in a remarkably circular orbit around the Sun, but as new research points out, Earth’s orbit sometimes experiences a slight jolt, thanks to the combined gravitational influence of Jupiter and Venus. Incredibly, this cycle has been going on for at least 215 million years – and one scientist suggests it could possibly…

  • Strange Pole-Shifting Physics Conjures A Truly Alien World

    Strange Pole-Shifting Physics Conjures A Truly Alien World

    Perhaps there’s a life-supporting, Earth-like planet orbiting close to a red dwarf star many light years away. Perhaps this planet orbits so close to the star that only one half of it ever faces the light. Maybe some sentient species evolved during that infinite day, on some massive supercontinent. And maybe one day, the sun…

  • Earth’s Underworld Is Real And Scientists Just Mapped It

    Earth’s Underworld Is Real And Scientists Just Mapped It

    Lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch’entrate, reads the gates to the Inferno. “Abandon all hope, you who enter,” which is a pretty nice way of saying “welcome to Hell.” But there’s a real underworld, albeit one with fewer dogs and less being blown around by the wind or wading through shit. Scientists are working on a…