
  • How To Prove To Yourself (Or Shaq) The Earth Is Round

    How To Prove To Yourself (Or Shaq) The Earth Is Round

    There’s a group of people who’ve lost trust in scientists, professors, academics and pretty much anyone who is paid to establish and dispense facts. Some of these people are rejecting a fact established hundreds of years ago that sits at the core of most modern biology, geology and astronomy: We live on a big, round,…

  • How Failed Planets May Have Shaped The Earth

    How Failed Planets May Have Shaped The Earth

    Earth has some battle scars from back in the day. When the solar system was still young and wild, roughly four billion years ago, Earth, its Moon and Mars were attacked by a series of asteroid assailants. It’s long been assumed that the space rocks involved in the assault — called the Late Heavy Bombardment…