electric bicycles
The Mercedes Formula E Team Makes Electric Bikes Now
Motorsport teams are always on the lookout for new ways to part fans from their hard-earned cash. Whether it’s branded baseball caps, swanky sunglasses or mini replica helmets, they’re experts at it. And now, the Mercedes Formula E squad has a new line of electric bikes desperate to deprive you of a few thousand dollars.
One Of Indiegogo’s Biggest Successes Is Being Sued For Fraud
The supposedly innovative, affordable Sondors e-bike slayed its crowdfunding goal earlier this month, raising over $US5 million to become the second-most successful Indiegogo campaign of all time. Now its creator is being sued for fraud by the company that ran his crowdfunding gambit.
China Banning Electric Bikes Because Too Many People Killed
Electric bikes are going to be banned in Shenzen, China on July 1 because they’re too quiet. Seriously. According to China, electric bikes are said to have caused more than 15 per cent of accidents resulting in 64 people dead and 233 injured. WTF?