environment climate

  • Trees Aren’t Gonna Fix This

    Trees Aren’t Gonna Fix This

    Bentley said last week it would be planting 100 trees around its England factory in the name of “sustainability.” Its VW neighbour Bugatti also chimed in this week that it’d plant over 4,000 trees to “offset the CO2 emissions from its Chiron hypercar, offices, and factories,” according to Motor Authority. Both of these efforts, I’m…

  • Tax The Hell Out Of Frequent Flyers

    Tax The Hell Out Of Frequent Flyers

    Flying, as I have written before, is one of the more vexing climate-related problems facing transportation. There are no good answers for cleaning up aviation except to fly a whole lot less, reversing the massive growth in the aviation industry over the last several decades that is projected to continue for several decades more. So,…