
  • An Ambitious Mission to Venus Is Set to Launch in 2031

    An Ambitious Mission to Venus Is Set to Launch in 2031

    The EnVision mission to Venus was officially adopted by the European Space Agency last week, which means the organisation has committed to getting the spacecraft Venus-bound by the early 2030s. EnVision is a planned Venus orbiter designed to study the planet from its upper atmosphere to its core. Venus is in many ways a black…

  • Why Venus Is Soon to Be the Most Exciting Place in the Solar System

    Why Venus Is Soon to Be the Most Exciting Place in the Solar System

    It’s hot. It’s toxic. It spins backwards and is covered in volcanoes. And we’re headed there soon. Three Venus missions, recently announced by NASA and the European Space Agency, are going to reveal more than we’ve ever known about the scorcher of a planet, a place that many scientists describe as Earth’s evil twin.