evolutionary biology

  • This Extinct Frog Probably Ate Crocodiles And Dinosaurs

    This Extinct Frog Probably Ate Crocodiles And Dinosaurs

    Image: Nobu Tamura/Wikimedia Commons Poison aside, frogs are generally weak and pathetic. Dinosaurs, meanwhile, range from weak and pathetic to huge and strong, so I’m going to say they’re generally “not weak.” But 70 million years ago, things were different. Extinct species of frogs like the Beelzebufo ampinga grew to be ten pounds in size.…

  • The Totally Insane Way That Breast Milk Works

    The Totally Insane Way That Breast Milk Works

    I know breast milk is good and all, but when I became a mum I was kinda shocked at how often it was cited as a cure-all for anything that ailed my newborn. That’s not just because of the nutritional value. It turns out my baby’s immune system is communicating with mine THROUGH MY NIPPLES.…