
  • Nissan Claims It’s on Track to Sell Solid-State Batteries in 2028

    Nissan Claims It’s on Track to Sell Solid-State Batteries in 2028

    We’ve known for a while now that Nissan is investing heavily in solid-state batteries. They promise to charge faster while also being lighter and less expensive to produce. Recently, David Moss, Nissan’s European head of Research & Development, sat down with Autocar for an interview where he claimed the company is still on track to…

  • Tesla’s Price Cuts Worked in China

    Tesla’s Price Cuts Worked in China

    It’s been a rough few months for Tesla, but now it’s starting to look like its drastic price cuts in China are starting to pay off in terms of demand. Reuters reports that the automaker plans to boost output at its Shanghai plant over the next couple of months because demand has had such a…