
  • How To Build Turing’s Universal Machine

    How To Build Turing’s Universal Machine

    Modern computers wouldn’t exist without the pioneering theories posited by Alan Turing, however the famed computer scientist was never quite able to make a working model of his hypothetical device. Turing’s Cathedral by George Dyson follows Hungarian mathematician John von Neumann’s efforts to build a computer based on Turing’s design and boasting a revolutionary feature:…

  • How To Trust Neighbours In A Networked World

    How To Trust Neighbours In A Networked World

    SARS, Bird Flu, terrorists, religious extremists, extreme religionists, DEMOCRATS — it seems that we find a new reason every week to mistrust those around us and yet our society has yet to implode in the orgy of fire and chaos that 24-hour-news networks would have you believe. Liars and Outliers by Bruce Schneier explains how…