
  • Inside YouTube’s Master Plan To Kill Lag Dead

    Inside YouTube’s Master Plan To Kill Lag Dead

    There is a moment between when you click on a video and when it starts playing. That moment is the worst part of your day. The agony of waiting! The torture of anticipation! YouTube understands that, and on a visit to YouTube HQ in San Bruno, CA, we got a look at what’s coming to…

  • Flashback: How Yahoo Killed Flickr And Lost The Internet

    Flashback: How Yahoo Killed Flickr And Lost The Internet

    In the wake of Yahoo’s $US1.1 billion acquisition of beloved social platform Tumblr, it’s perhaps worth looking back what the company did after it caught — and gutted — another big fish. Yes, Yahoo’s a different company now, especially with Marissa Mayer at the helm. And Tumblr, along with its price tag, are an order…