
  • iRiver On Review: When Bad Apps Ruin Great Fitness Gadgets

    iRiver On Review: When Bad Apps Ruin Great Fitness Gadgets

    Getting detailed data about your workouts is great and all, except there’s so much cumbersome gear involved. A chest strap for your heart rate, your phone to track distance and play music, some headphones so you can listen to music in the first place and hear your training app’s voice prompts.

  • Fitmodo: How To Prevent Travel From Wrecking Your Body

    Fitmodo: How To Prevent Travel From Wrecking Your Body

    It goes without saying that modern methods of travel — planes, trains and automobiles — are a hell of a lot better than ye olde horse and buggy days, but convenience has a cost. Many hours of remaining sedentary exact a serious tax on your body. While nothing you do can make a long trip…

  • The Most Random Ways To Burn 200 Calories

    The Most Random Ways To Burn 200 Calories

    Calories are pretty nebulous. We’ve taken a couple of looks of what 200 of ’em actually look like in terms of real food, but there’s a more important question: what do you have to do to get rid of them? You know all the classic answers, but ASAP Science has a couple of stranger alternatives…