Steam Game Previously Worth $500,000 Now Free Forever
A Steam game that was previously priced at $500,000 is now going for the low, low price of Completely Free Forever.
Why Apple’s iPhone Charger Is So Expensive
There is no getting around the fact that Apple accessories are expensive. But instead of assuming that price meant quality, Ken Shirriff decided to tear an iPhone charger apart — and what he found justifies the expense.
Audi Teams Up With Renovo To Produce Yet Another Jaw-Dropping Wooden Bicycle
Renovo, no stranger to beautifully-crafted wooden bicycles, has partnered up with Audi, maker of beautiful automobiles, to create another sweet looking series of wooden bicycles.
McIntosh-Owning Audiophiles Probably Heard About This MCLK12 Clock Already
Audiophiles who don’t bat an eyelash at spending $US7,500 on a McIntosh sound system inevitably purchased this wall clock before it even came out, but for we ear-challenged individuals, a few details regarding a $US2,000 clock: