expert opinion

  • NBN HFC Rollout Known Internally As ‘Operation Clusterf***’: Conroy

    The rollout of the hybrid-fibre coaxial (HFC) part of the troubled national broadband network is known internally as “Operation Clusterf—“, says Labor senator Stephen Conroy. “I know the internal nickname you’ve got for the HFC rollout, and it’s not fit to actually describe on the public record: Operation Cluster … something,” Mr Conroy told NBN…

  • Being An Uber Driver For A Buck’s Party Is Insane

    Beep. Beep. Beep. Nick – Petersham – 5 minutes. “Yeah, ahhhh, how close are you mate?” asked my next passenger for the night, Nick, politely but also with a touch of urgency in his voice. Before I had a chance to reply, Nick’s friend Shane commandeered his phone and said, in a voice reminiscent of…

  • Apple Has Apologised, Released A Fix For ‘Error 53’

    Apple has apologised to iPhone owners whose devices were disabled after succumbing to the Error 53 malfunction. The company has also issued a software update that will reverse what until now has been described as an irreversible condition, one which blocked users from retrieving any data from their phones. Apple will reimburse anybody who was…