extraterrestrial intelligence

  • China Publishes, Then Deletes Report of Potential Alien Signals

    China Publishes, Then Deletes Report of Potential Alien Signals

    Yesterday, Science and Technology Daily, a state-backed media outlet in China, published what could have been an exciting piece of news: Researchers recorded radio signals that looked like evidence of extraterrestrial technology. Rogue blips from an advanced alien civilisation made their way to Earth? Well, probably not, because the twist here isn’t that we may…

  • Discoveries That Really, Really Seemed Like Aliens

    Discoveries That Really, Really Seemed Like Aliens

    As the famous X-Files poster declares, “I want to believe.” This wanting, however, often leads us astray. When confronted with shocking and inexplicable celestial phenomena, we tend to see intelligent design. This jumping to conclusions is a sin for which we can be forgiven — we have an insatiable need to know if someone’s out…