extraterrestrial life

  • I, For One, Welcome Our New Alien Overlords

    I, For One, Welcome Our New Alien Overlords

    Two teams of astronomers are getting ready to send a direct message out into space to signal to other intelligent life. The message they’re sending boils down to: Hey! We’re here! We know basic maths! It could be decades, or even centuries, before we hear a reply, if there’s anything out there at all. That…

  • Life on Venus Could Be Hiding in Its Weird Clouds

    Life on Venus Could Be Hiding in Its Weird Clouds

    A team of scientists modelling the Venusian atmosphere found data that could help explain the perplexing chemistry of the planet’s clouds. The findings further the possibility of life existing in Venus’s atmosphere, a still-controversial idea that will be investigated by several planned missions to the scorching planet.