The T-Rex May Have Had a Stonger Bite Because of Its Smaller Eyes
The mighty Tyrannosaurus Rex may have had smaller eyes to help with its bite, according to research in Communications Biology.
Whale Sharks Have Eyeballs Covered in Tiny Teeth
Marine biologists from Japan say whale sharks have eyeballs coated in tiny teeth, in a discovery unique to this hulking but gentle aquatic species.
Men Are Experiencing Days Of Weird Vision After Taking Erectile Disfunction Drugs
Doctors are finding yet more men with strange episodes of vision problems after taking the erectile dysfunction drug sildenafil citrate, better known by the brand name Viagra. A new case study this week from Turkey details 17 men who took sildenafil and developed light sensitivity, blurred eyesight, and even blue-tinted vision—symptoms that were thankfully only…
Don’t Shower With Your Contacts In, Man Blinded By Eye Parasites Warns
A UK reporter’s harrowing story of losing sight in his right eye is sure to terrify anyone who’s been lax about contact lens hygiene. He contracted a rare parasitic infection, likely as a result of showering with his contacts in. The costly mistake required over 18 months of intensive treatments, and there’s a chance he…