falcon 9

  • Watch How SpaceX’s Falcon 9 Deploys A Communications Satellite 

    Watch How SpaceX’s Falcon 9 Deploys A Communications Satellite 

    Video: On March 1 SpaceX’s Falcon 9 deployed two all-electric communication satellites to a supersynchronous transfer orbit. This is the second: The EUTELSAT 115 West B. According to EUTELSAT’s website it “will provide the Americas with new satellite capacity to reach markets serving high-growth data, video, mobility and government applications.”

  • Here’s How We Go To Space Now

    This morning, Elon Musk’s SpaceX program shot its third rocket into space. The Falcon 9 carries with it a Dragon cargo capsule and will deliver supplies to ISS astronauts not entirely unlike a 19th century freight train delivering mining equipment to California.