
  • Dungeons & Dragons & Novels: Revisiting The Wyvern’s Spur

    Dungeons & Dragons & Novels: Revisiting The Wyvern’s Spur

    The tale of the magically created sellsword and would-be assassin Alias and her boon companion, the saurial paladin Dragonbait, continues in the second volume of the Finder’s Stone trilogy — which, wait a minute…uh…doesn’t actually feature Alias or Dragonbait? At all. But I’ll tell you what The Wyvern’s Spur does contain: the words “wyvern” and…

  • Storytelling Dungeon: How D&D Can Improve Your Craft

    Storytelling Dungeon: How D&D Can Improve Your Craft

    Judging by my Twitter feed, I’m not the only one who fell down a major Critical Role rabbit hole this year. I tore my way through both campaigns while I sat at home juggling writing deadlines and a new baby. Bleary-eyed, I watched that motley crew of voice actors adventure their way through not one,…