
  • FBI Says Two Guys Made An X-Ray Weapon To Make People Sick

    FBI Says Two Guys Made An X-Ray Weapon To Make People Sick

    In an attempt to “secretly sicken opponents of Israel” and presumably star as the bad guys in a barely believable action movie, two guys from New York have been accused by the FBI of assembling a portable X-Ray weapon that would shoot lethal doses of radiation. Seriously. They were going to sell it to Jewish…

  • Edward Snowden Used A Thumb Drive To Smuggle Thousands Of PRISM Files

    Edward Snowden Used A Thumb Drive To Smuggle Thousands Of PRISM Files

    The highly classified, confidential documents that revealed the NSA’s massive data-mining operation, PRISM, were leaked from the NSA’s facilities on none other than a simple, innocuous thumb drive. Any sort of portable digital device is understandably barred by the highly secretive branch of government, but whistleblower Edward Snowden somehow managed to download thousands of files…