
  • Kraven the Hunter Is Sony’s First R-Rated Marvel Movie

    Kraven the Hunter Is Sony’s First R-Rated Marvel Movie

    “Kraven the Hunter is a Marvel movie grounded heavily in the real world,” said star Aaron Taylor-Johnson. “And anyone who is familiar with the comics and the character of Kraven, they know that he’s a fierce hunter with the skill of a highly trained killer. So, I figure now’s a good time to answer the…

  • Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 Unleashes the MCU’s First F-Bomb

    Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 Unleashes the MCU’s First F-Bomb

    Surely someone, somewhere, has been waiting for this auspicious day — the day when one of the superheroes that populate the Marvel Cinematic Universe would finally say “fuck.” Today is that day, my friends, as Marvel Studios has released a clip from the upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, wherein Star-Lord drops the multiverse’s…

  • Batman Beyond Wasn’t Afraid to Show the Dangers of Sex Robots

    Batman Beyond Wasn’t Afraid to Show the Dangers of Sex Robots

    A lot of people love the ‘90s Batman Beyond cartoon, set in a future where an elderly Bruce Wayne trains teen Terry McGillis to be the new Dark Knight of the future. I assume these people have forgotten about the episode “Terry’s Friend Dates a Robot,” a title that should indicate how much creativity and…