
  • Watch More of Uncle Owen’s Sick Burn From Obi-Wan Kenobi

    Watch More of Uncle Owen’s Sick Burn From Obi-Wan Kenobi

    From day one, Star Wars made it very clear there’s no love lost between Owen Lars and Obi-Wan Kenobi. Lars calls Kenobi a “crazy old man” and tries to get Luke Skywalker to pay him no mind. Which, of course, doesn’t work. But that relationship got a fun new twist in the most recent trailer…

  • Vangelis, Legendary Composer of Blade Runner, Has Died

    Vangelis, Legendary Composer of Blade Runner, Has Died

    Say the phrase “science fiction” and immediately an image forms in your mind. Maybe it’s of space. Maybe it’s high-tech machinery. Maybe it’s some odd-looking creature. Whatever it is, that image likely has a sound as well, and for many of us, that sound was written by a composer named Vangelis, who passed away this…

  • Ewan McGregor Sees Star Wars Prequel Hate Shifting

    Ewan McGregor Sees Star Wars Prequel Hate Shifting

    Next week marks the 20-year anniversary of Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones. For many, it’s unequivocally the worst Star Wars film. However, in recent years, that opinion has begun to shift, as people who saw Clones at a young age are now realising they have a certain nostalgia for it. And the star…