
  • Bad Arse Photo Of A Fighter Jet Against Fire

    Bad Arse Photo Of A Fighter Jet Against Fire

    Image Cache: Just a great photo. Here’s the wall of fire display at the 2016 Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point, North Carolina. The silhouette of the plane against the giant dark orange and black flames makes it look more like art from some comic book than a real life shot.

  • Watch A Queensland River Catch On Fire Because Of Fracking

    Watch A Queensland River Catch On Fire Because Of Fracking

    Video: Mother Nature probably never wanted to wax a song about fire and water, but when fracking gets involved all sorts of wild stuff starts happening. This footage apparently shows a gas leak in a river near a fracking site in Queensland. There’s so much gas bubbling up that it easily catches on fire and…

  • Playing Soccer With A Ball That’s On Fire

    Playing Soccer With A Ball That’s On Fire

    Video: I get it now! That’s why soccer doesn’t let players use their hands. Just in case they decide to start playing with a fireball. Watch Joltter, Andrew Henderson and Melody Donchet do tricks with a ball that’s on fire and also hit a free kick too.