
  • China Accuses the U.S. of Suppressing Chinese Tech Companies

    China Accuses the U.S. of Suppressing Chinese Tech Companies

    China accused the U.S. of stealing its technological autonomy in a press conference on Monday, Reuters reported. Spokesperson Mao Ning claimed that by imposing various TikTok bans, “the U.S. is trying to deprive it of developmental rights and perpetuate its own hegemony,” the outlet wrote.

  • North Korea Declares Victory Against COVID-19 Pandemic With Just 74 Deaths

    North Korea Declares Victory Against COVID-19 Pandemic With Just 74 Deaths

    North Korea declared victory against COVID-19 this week, claiming the isolated country eradicated the virus and heavily implying dictator Kim Jong Un had contracted the disease but recovered (he had a “high fever), according to a new report from North Korean state media. Kim Jong Un’s sister, Kim Yo Jong, also claimed that South Korea…