
  • Venomous Frogs Use Deadly Face Spines To Slay Their Enemies

    Venomous Frogs Use Deadly Face Spines To Slay Their Enemies

    It’s common sense that you shouldn’t try to eat a poison dart frog. But you probably don’t want to go anywhere near one of these adorable little suckers, which use the tiny, bony spines on their faces to jab threatening animals with a venom more potent than that of a deadly pit viper.

  • Newly Discovered Frog Species Looks A Lot Like Kermit The Frog

    Newly Discovered Frog Species Looks A Lot Like Kermit The Frog

    We’ve found Kermit the Frog in real life and it’s a species of glassfrog just recently discovered called Hyalinobatrachium dianae in Costa Rica. It’s bright green just like Kermit, has big white adorable eyeballs just like Kermit and the males have a very unique mating call… just like Kermit, I guess? Anyway, the resemblance is…