
  • Porn Hijacks U.S. Federal Reserve Zoom Conference

    Porn Hijacks U.S. Federal Reserve Zoom Conference

    A Federal Reserve Zoom event was cancelled only moments after it was scheduled to start Thursday night following an outburst of pornographic images that took over the screen. The video conference was held by Federal Reserve Governor Christopher Waller, but he was unable to deliver his opening remarks as the images began to pop up…

  • Meet the Myopic Visionaries Who Failed to Make the Future

    Meet the Myopic Visionaries Who Failed to Make the Future

    “Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly,” said Robert F. Kennedy. It’s a noble sentiment, but it still means there are going to be people who never get around to the “achieving greatly” part, and that’s who Failure to Launch, an upcoming comics anthology from Iron Circus, will showcase — the…