
  • Microsoft Calls Off OneDrive Photo-Pocalypse

    Microsoft Calls Off OneDrive Photo-Pocalypse

    Hell hath no fury like a customer scorned, and Microsoft is now learning that. After the tech company recently imposed storage limits for photos in a user’s OneDrive account, Microsoft has now reversed course after receiving a barrage of backlash. In August, Microsoft announced that photos in a user’s OneDrive Gallery and in each of…

  • If You Can Read This Headline, You Must Not Be on X

    If You Can Read This Headline, You Must Not Be on X

    Elon Musk’s social media venture is getting curiouser and curiouser. Following some bizarre infrastructure changes (like rebranding the entire site’s iconic name and imagery), Musk has now made the decision to strip links of their headlines when they’re shared to the platform. The change went into effect on Wednesday but Musk warned us about his…