
  • Why The iPhone 5s Accelerometer Is So Screwed Up

    Why The iPhone 5s Accelerometer Is So Screwed Up

    A few weeks ago, we confirmed reports that the iPhone 5s motion sensors were embarrassingly off. Some enterprising devs have investigated the problem, and figured out that at its root, it’s indeed a hardware design issue that Apple either overlooked or ignored. The good news is that there’s a fix coming — but not from…

  • iPhone A7 Chip Benchmarks: Forget The Specs, It Blows Everything Away

    iPhone A7 Chip Benchmarks: Forget The Specs, It Blows Everything Away

    We just ran benchmarks on Apple’s new iPhone 5s, revealing that, yup, this is the dopest smartphone silicon ever made. This thing freaking churns, crushing every other smartphone out there on both computational power and graphics. But if you look at common specs like core-count and clock speed for the hardware, you’d never know it.

  • Intel Makes Processor Powered By Wine

    Intel Makes Processor Powered By Wine

    The Intel Developer Forum is coming to an end, meaning its execs get to go wild and show some of the oddball concepts under way at the tech giant. These include a processor so efficient it can pull all the energy it needs to run from a glass of red wine.