
  • Amazon Wants to Put a Giant Echo On Your Wall

    Amazon Wants to Put a Giant Echo On Your Wall

    Amazon’s annual device and services event is next week, and if there’s one thing you can expect, it’s a lot of Alexa-enabled gadgets you’re not sure anyone really needed. According to a new Bloomberg report, Amazon is developing a large, wall-mounted Echo, a soundbar with a built-in camera, and new wearables.

  • Steven Spielberg’s Pretty OK With Netflix Now

    Steven Spielberg’s Pretty OK With Netflix Now

    Steven Spielberg has had an intriguing character arc as of late. He caused a little drama a few years ago for his purported belief that movies made for Netflix that get theatrical award season runs shouldn’t qualify for Oscars. Then he worked with Apple TV and whatever the hell Quibi was. Now, the lauded filmmaker has…

  • Amazon Should Rethink Its Half-Baked Approach to Health-Tracking

    Amazon Should Rethink Its Half-Baked Approach to Health-Tracking

    Amazon’s Halo band, the company’s first fitness tracker, drew criticism when it launched because of its two marquee features: body fat scanning and tone analysis. Several reviews — including Gizmodo’s — describing the gadget as creepy and invasive. You might think that would lead Amazon to perhaps rethink its approach to health tech. Instead, Amazon’s doubling…