
  • Employee Who Triggered Bogus Missile Alert In Hawaii Has Been Fired

    Employee Who Triggered Bogus Missile Alert In Hawaii Has Been Fired

    The unnamed US state government employee who caused a panic after sending out an alert that missiles were about to strike Hawaii has been fired. Three more staff, including the head of the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency, have also resigned, but the case of the Missile That Wasn’t There still leaves Americans with plenty of…

  • The 38 Minute Hawaii Missile Threat Stopped Porn Use For 15 Minutes

    The 38 Minute Hawaii Missile Threat Stopped Porn Use For 15 Minutes

    Remember that missile alert that sent the entire island of Hawaii into panic? Well those lovers of hard statistics over at PornHub have released an infographic showing how the alert affected their traffic over the course of that harrowing hour. As it turns out, people get really horny after they think they’re gonna die, then…