Your Guide to the Anomalous Universe
The universe is a deeply vexing place. Every breakthrough we make in our understanding of it begets more mysteries about how all this (gestures wildly) actually happened. In the new book Space Oddities: The Mysterious Anomalies Challenging Our Understanding of the Universe, experimental physicist Harry Cliff describes a handful of the most confounding phenomena at…
10 Years After the Higgs Boson, What’s the Next Big Thing for Physics?
On July 4, 2012, scientists at CERN confirmed the observation of the Higgs boson, an elementary particle first proposed in the 1960s. The boson’s discovery was a momentous occasion, as it meant physicists were a step closer to probing the field associated with the boson, which gives particles mass.
The Universe Is Not In Danger Of Ending From A Higgs Boson Vacuum Bubble
There are few easier ways to get people to read your website than to scare them. That’s how we ended up with the media frenzy guilty ourselves.
The Higgs Boson Is Still Missing, But The LHC Just Found Its First New Particle
Since it was opened in 2009, the LHC has been helping prove whether the Higgs boson exists or not. Scientists are not there yet, but they have just found the LHC’s first new particle: Chi-b 3P.