
  • You Can Pay To Sleep Inside This Giant Robot’s Stomach

    You Can Pay To Sleep Inside This Giant Robot’s Stomach

    “Sir,” the bellhop says as you waltz up to the check-in counter, “we’ve upgraded you to out finest suite — no, not the honeymoon suite, even better. The robot gut suite.” This scenario could soon become a reality at London’s Beaumont Hotel, which recently installed a giant inhabitable statue on its facade. Unfortunately, it sounds…

  • 20 Awesome Stickers From When Your Suitcase Told Stories

    20 Awesome Stickers From When Your Suitcase Told Stories

    There was a time when well-travelled luggage looked like the suitcase above: covered with travel stickers, trophies of every adventurous explorer. My father, who spent his youth travelling across Europe in the ’60s and ’70s kept his weary suitcase for a long time; as a child, I admired all those well-aged little pictures of remote…