
  • What Dry Ice Looks Like Underwater

    What Dry Ice Looks Like Underwater

    Video: If watching dry ice sublimate is already one of life’s pleasures, what can we call the joy of watching dry ice being submerged in water? Never seen it? Forgotten what it looks like? Well, watch this whole brick of dry ice get stuck underwater and check out how the carbon dioxide gas just bubbles…

  • What Would Happen If Humans Disappeared From Earth?

    What Would Happen If Humans Disappeared From Earth?

    Video: It’s an age old question that we love to entertain because we’re all obsessed with our own mortality and the future of the world: what would happen to the world if humans disappeared? With enough time, the Earth would be able to reset itself and erase any trace of our existence. Mind Warehouse goes…

  • The 100 Best American Movies In Film History

    The 100 Best American Movies In Film History

    Video: To make this list — which I’m absolutely sure will be totally definitive, with no need for anyone to ever debate it, right? — critics from around the world were polled by the BBC to name the greatest American movies in film history. I’ll save you some surprises: Citizen Kane was first, The Godfather…