
  • What’s Inside A Record Player And How It Works

    What’s Inside A Record Player And How It Works

    Video: A record player is always going to be a little magical. How it sounds, the nostalgia of it, the vinyls, the needle, and so forth. This exploded view of a record player plays down the specialness of its sound and breaks down what’s inside and how it works.

  • 5 Fun Stories About The Origin Of Words And Other Common Phrases

    5 Fun Stories About The Origin Of Words And Other Common Phrases

    Video: Why is a pineapple called a pineapple in English but is named anana in pretty much every other European language? Well, it’s because English speakers saw the spiky fruit and thought of a pine cone and apple while other countries use the Tupi Guaraini (language used by natives in South America) word for pineapple,…

  • Film Scenes And The Art Paintings That Inspire Them, Side-By-Side

    Film Scenes And The Art Paintings That Inspire Them, Side-By-Side

    Film takes inspiration from the world around us so it’s no surprise that directors mimic art paintings in their movies. Vugar Efendi put together famous art paintings next to movie scenes to show how film meets art. It’s like seeing the paintings come to life. Some of them are so picturesque that it actually looks…