
  • What Actually Happens When You Drink Too Much Soft Drink?

    What Actually Happens When You Drink Too Much Soft Drink?

    Video: Most reasonable people can generally agree on two things: the Earth is round and soft drink is bad for you. And though we know the first to be absolutely true, what’s so bad about soft drink? Asap Science explains as only they can in this hand drawn animation. Basically, it erodes enamel on our…

  • What Happens To The Human Body In Space?

    What Happens To The Human Body In Space?

    Video: Gravity does a number on your body. Your body changes and reacts differently in zero gravity than it does on Earth. So what happens to your body in space? As astronaut Leland Melvin tells it, you actually gain a bit of height! Also, your heart gets a little bit smaller while changing shape, your…

  • What A World Champion Whistler Sounds Like

    What A World Champion Whistler Sounds Like

    I can’t whistle for the life of me and that totally sucks. Christopher Ullman, on the other hand, is a four time world champion when it comes to whistling so it’s no surprise that I’m totally impressed with his skills. Though to my untrained ears, a lot of it just sounds like regular whistling, there…