internet explorer

  • How Internet Explorer Shaped The Internet

    How Internet Explorer Shaped The Internet

    Long before Internet Explorer became the browser everyone loves to hate, it was the driving force of innovation on the internet. Sometimes it’s hard to remember all of the good that Internet Explorer did before Internet Explorer 6 became the scourge of web developers everywhere. Believe it or not, Internet Explorer 4-6 is heavily responsible…

  • Kogan Imposing Tax On Shoppers Who Use IE7

    Online electronics retailer Kogan is no stranger to novel pricing approaches, but this one takes the cake: from now on, anyone who visits the Kogan site using IE7 will be charged an additional 6.8% “IE7 tax” — 0.1% for each month since the browser was released — on any purchases.

  • Internet Explorer 6 Hack Busts IE9 At Pwn2Own

    We know Chrome saw the pointy end of the hacking stick (they have those) just days ago at this year’s Pwn2Own conference, but it’s not the only browser at the event to have its insides spooned out, zero-day style. Not one, but two exploits engineered by French security company VUPEN allowed it to execute code…