
  • Chatbots Have Stolen Fanfiction From a Gift Culture

    Chatbots Have Stolen Fanfiction From a Gift Culture

    First, a confession. I’ve written fanfiction. Like, a lot of fanfic. In my spare time, I still write fic! (I’m currently writing a couple of fics for Interview With the Vampire and Trigun! It’s going great, thank you.) Over the course of the past 15 years I’ve published around 750,000 words of fic, and just to…

  • The Year Ahead in Horror

    The Year Ahead in Horror

    Pop-culture trends come and go, but horror is always there, lurking in the shadows — except when it’s dominating the box office and TV ratings, which it often does, thanks to its habit of raking in huge returns on relatively low-budget projects. Horror fiends know what they like, and they’ll go see movie sequels and…

  • I Tried to Sleep in a Casket and All I Got Was This Stupid Blog

    I Tried to Sleep in a Casket and All I Got Was This Stupid Blog

    A couple of weeks ago G/O Media had a casket delivered to the office. We received a crimson red burial fixture from Titan Casket because my colleague, Kevin Hurler, has made Taylor Swift a facet of his personality that can be mined for blogs, and this casket (in a different colorway) was featured in her…