iphone 4s

  • Siri Can Translate Languages For You With A Tweak

    Siri is more powerful than Apple lets on, so it’s up to the tweaking, hacking, tinkerish souls of the jailbreak community to unleash her full potential. Like this latest Siri hack, Lingual. It’s a jailbreak-only tweak that turns Siri into a translation device. Just say what you want to Siri, name the language you want…

  • No New iPhone? Irate Customers Egg Apple Store

    They had come from kilometres around, stood in sub-zero degree weather for hours, and patiently queued for the store to open its doors. Today was iPhone day in Beijing! But when the doors did open, the huddled masses were told there would be no iPhone 4S, not today. And then shit got real.