iphone 4s

  • Is This Why Siri Is Only On The iPhone 4S?

    When iFixit originally tore down the iPhone 4S, they discovered a sensor whose function they were unsure of. Now they’ve determined that its an infrared sensor tasked with activating Siri when the phone is held up to your ear. Could it be the reason why Siri is a 4S exclusive?

  • The 5 Funniest Siri Videos

    The iPhone 4S was released a few weeks ago and its hallmark feature, Siri, has been poked, prodded, played with and patronised by everyone. Hell, even us. We made Siri talk to herself. And you know what, everybody has a Siri story! Which are the best?

  • How To Save Your iPhone 4S’ Crappy Battery

    How To Save Your iPhone 4S’ Crappy Battery

    You might have noticed your new iPhone lasts about as long as Kim Kardashian’s marriage — and what’s the point of nifty new features if your phone’s dead? Use these tweaks to squeeze the most life out of your battery.

  • What’s Going On With The iPhone 4S Battery?

    The original iPhone 4 stumbled out of the gate with an infamous antenna issue that left many users very disappointed. And while the problem was eventually resolved in a modified housing that carried forward to the recently released iPhone 4S, the latest model seems to be suffering from its own serious performance issues.