
  • World War II Shipwrecks Are Vanishing At A Disturbing Rate

    World War II Shipwrecks Are Vanishing At A Disturbing Rate

    Late last year, the Netherlands defence ministry confirmed that two of its ships lost during World War II had disappeared from the bottom of the Java Sea, likely the result of illegal salvaging. Now, a trio of Japanese shipwrecks off Borneo have likewise been torn apart for scrap, highlighting what appears to be a growing…

  • The Power Rangers Shows That Never Were

    The Power Rangers Shows That Never Were

    As many know, the heroes of Power Rangers aren’t a wholly western creation — they’re really the stars of Super Sentai, a Japanese kid’s franchise that’s over four decades old. Since Power Rangers began, nearly every Super Sentai series since has been adapted for the show, but not all of them have made it over.…