
  • ChatGPT Writes Well Enough to Fool Scientific Reviewers

    ChatGPT Writes Well Enough to Fool Scientific Reviewers

    The internet’s new favourite toy, ChatGPT, accomplishes some things better than others. The machine learning-trained chatbot from OpenAI can string together sentences and paragraphs that flow smoothly on just about any topic you prompt it with. But it cannot reliably tell the truth. It can act as a believable substitute for a text-based mental health…

  • What Five Years of #Vanlife Taught Me About Social Media

    What Five Years of #Vanlife Taught Me About Social Media

    Once upon a time, back in 2015, I started writing a series for Gizmodo called Connected States. I had effectively just blown up my life and moved into a van for what I thought would be a one-year experiment. The series was ostensibly about documenting the way technology connects us all, and using tech to…