kuiper belt objects
Scientists Think They Know How Pluto’s Hidden Ocean Stays Liquid
Recent results suggest that Pluto has a liquid water ocean buried beneath its icy shell. But how could such a thing be possible at the frigid outer edges of the solar system? Scientists from Japan and the United States might have an answer.
Extreme Dwarf Planet FarFarOut Could Be The Most Distant Known Object In The Solar System
Just months after discovering FarOut, the most distant known object in the Solar System, the same team of astronomers has detected the faint—but not yet confirmed—glimmerings of an object even farther away. Dubbed FarFarOut, the extreme dwarf planet is 13 billion miles away — a distance so far it takes nearly 20 hours for the…
Wild New Theory Suggests Pluto Formed From A Billion Comets
Pluto may not be a planet, but it remains one of the most intriguing objects in the outer Solar System. Its unexpected chemical composition has confounded scientists for years, but a new theory may finally hold the answer. Pluto, according to a pair of Southwest Research Institute scientists, is basically an overgrown comet.
New Horizons Spacecraft Is Approaching A Mysterious Red Object
NASA’s New Horizons space probe is currently speeding towards a mysterious Kuiper Belt Object known as MU69. Recent observations of the distant object indicate a very reddish surface — possibly even redder than the splotches found on Pluto.