Batman Goes Lovecraft for His Next Animated Movie
Over the decades, animation featuring Batman has taken the Dark Knight down some interesting avenues. Beyond seeing him at best and most green, we’ve seen him get out of his relative comfort zone by singing or becoming a ninja. For his next animated venture, he’ll be winding back the clock all the way back to…
Friday The 13th Unleashes Terror And Thanos Gets A Love Letter In The Latest Gaming News
Welcome back to Gaming Shelf, Gizmodo’s column all about board games and tabletop roleplaying games. It’s now been a couple of weeks since social distancing started, making at-home game nights feel more important than ever. We’ve got some suggestions on things to play at home, as well as some upcoming releases that take Thanos, Friday…
Billy Joel And H.P. Lovecraft ‘Sing Us A Song’ For Cthulhu
Video: Turns out, it’s surprisingly easy to take Billy Joel’s song “Piano Man” and turn it into an ode to the Elder Gods long gone. It was recently discovered on Twitter that the meter of the famous Joel tune syncs up almost perfectly with a 1917 poem by H.P. Lovecraft called “Nemesis”.
Jordan Peele’s Next Project Is A Terrifying Lovecraftian Story About Race In 1950s America
It was clear that after Get Out made a cool $US162 million ($218 million) in America alone, writer-director Jordan Peele was going to go on and make more fantastic (and hopefully horrifying) things. After a couple of months of speculation, we now know what his next project’s going to be.