machine learning

  • This Remarkably Agile Robot Hand Teaches Itself How To Handle Objects

    This Remarkably Agile Robot Hand Teaches Itself How To Handle Objects

    In a split second before you reach to pick up an object, your brain pre-calculates all the movements needed to safely reach and grasp it securely. It’s a subconscious approach that’s the result of years of childhood development and learning, and one that robotics researchers are now using for their own creations. Festo’s new BionicSoftHand…

  • Machine Learning Powers Australian Open Tennis Stars

    Machine Learning Powers Australian Open Tennis Stars

    What’s the difference between the best tennis players in the world and those striving to reach the top five, or even the coveted number one ranking? The ability to execute the perfect forehand or deliver an ace at a crucial moment isn’t merely about having the best skills. It’s about making the best decisions at…